Common Household Items Poisonous to Pets

Unbeknown to most people there are many common household products that are poisonous to our beloved pets. All of the products listed below are potentially fatal if ingested or applied to your animal. If you suspect that your animal has accidently or inadvertantly been poisoned by these toxins, please seek veterinary advise immediately. It helps us at the clinic if you bring the container that the product comes in with you so we can be sure of the active ingredient.

Causes very severe blood disorders in cats and dogs, and liver problems in dogs.

Rat bait:
Prevents the blood from clotting in both dogs and cats, resulting in massive internal blood loss. Clinical signs take atleast 2 days to develop after ingestion of the poison.

Chocolate and caffeine:
Most often seen around Easter time and usually in dogs (cat’s are more fussy eaters!).
Causes heart arrhythmias, respiratory difficulty, vomiting, hyperactivity, muscle tremors, seizures.

Garlic and onions:
Cause blood disorders in dogs and cats.

Grapes and raisins:
Dogs only. Cause vomiting, diarrhoea and kidney failure.

Lily toxicity:
Cats only. The toxin is present in all parts of the plant (especially the flowers).
Causes vomiting, siezures and acute kidney failure.

Snail bait:
Any type of snail bait (molluscicide) on the market is potentially toxic to dogs and cats, even if it is marketed as ‘pet friendly’.
Causes anxiety, restlessness, salivation, possible vomiting, muscle tremors, weakness/wobbliness, seizures.

These chemicals are contained in many insecticides. They are relatively safe for use in dogs but are toxic to cats. We most commonly see cats with pyrethrin toxicity that have had dog flea products applied/used on them.
Causes shaking, wobbliness, hypersalivation, vomiting.

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